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Tape & jointing process

The tape & jointing process involves firstly applying a self adhesive mesh tape or bedding a paper tape over the joints where plasterboards meet.

 The next step involves applying a joint filler/compound over top of these joints.

 Once dry another layer can be applied using a joint cement.

Once dry the next step involves applying a finish coat.

The last step is to sand down the joints with a drywall sanding machine connected to an extractor to leave the surface smooth and ready to seal/paint.


Tape & jointing is an alternative to plastering and when applied correctly has many advantages.


Tape and jointing is generally a much faster method of application as a tape and jointer only has to apply jointing compound to the areas where the plasterboards meet.

Jointing compound also generally dries quicker than plaster so again cuts time down.


As tape and jointing is a much faster process there is much less labour time involved so the cost is generally lower than that of plastering. Tape & jointers also use much less material so generally less.


Tape & jointing is a much tidier process as although it`s still a wet trade tape and jointers use much less material so less mess, all good tape & jointing contractors use drywall sanding machines attached to dust extractors so the dust from the sanding down process is kept to a minimum.


With the right contractors applying the jointing compound the finish is as good if not better than a plastered finish and shouldn`t need any snagging and can be decorated straight after the jointing process is complete.

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